We Are Here For You
Our offices continue to remain open with limited hours to care for patients needing treatment and who are able to attend in office. Please be assured that we are committed to your and our staff’s safety with a rigorous disinfection schedule and mask use by our staff. We have also modified our schedule to have no more than four patients at a time in the office to maintain increased social distance guidelines. If you need treatment we are here for you and happy to see you face to face.
For those comfortable managing their injuries and conditions at home, please know we are here to support your individual efforts. Our Telehealth service is up and running, home care visits are available, and as always we would love to hear from you, email or call anytime our contact information below.
Ed: efarrell@physicalsolutionsli.com
Chris: clopez@physicalsolutionsli.com
Elena: eperrier@physicalsolutionsli.com
As always, if you are not feeling well or are vulnerable, please stay home.
Be well, be safe, we are here for you.
Your Physical Solutions Team