• Tips for Safer Summer Exercise

    Tips for Safer Summer Exercise

    The warm weather and beautiful skies make it inviting for a outdoor workout. Some experts even say that heat acclimation through the means of training outdoors may enable one’s fitness level to increase. This type of training also enables athletes to function better in cooler environments because the body is more equip to adapt to the climate change.  Individuals should use caution, however, because while elevating body temperature associated with summer exercise may provide a fitness boost, it also increases the risk for heat cramps, exhaustion and stroke. Therefore, before you go outside to break out a sweat, make sure you know how to stay safe why shedding calories.

    • Drink up:
      • Consuming 16-24 ounces of water a couple hours before exercise and take in about 6-8 ounces every 20 minutes during exercise. Water is recommended for moderate activity but if the exercise is rigorous, a sports drink is needed to restore lost electrolytes.
    • Watch out for humidity:
      • In a humid environment, sweat will not evaporate and cool off the body as fast. Therefore, try and workout indoors when the weather is hot and humid.
    • Avoid certain times:
      • 10am- 3pm is when the sun is the hottest. Early mornings are typically the most enjoyable for exercise.
    • Protect from the sun:
      • SPF 30+ ensures you will be protected from the harmful rays of the sun. Also, always wear loose, light-colored clothing that enable the body to sweat and deflect sun.
    • Never push yourself:
      • Training in the heat is typically recommended for previously conditioned athletes. If you are looking for a workout while catching some sun, try and decrease the intensity or duration of your exercise. And never push yourself to the point of blurring, dizziness or feeling faint.