• Reduce Female Knee Injuries with Sportsmetrics™

    Reduce Female Knee Injuries with Sportsmetrics™

    Physical Solutions has become a Certified Clinical Site for Cincinnati SportsMedicine and Orthopaedic Center’s nationally acclaimed Sportsmetrics™ program designed to reduce female knee injuries.

    What is Sportsmetrics™?

    Created under the direction of internationally-renowned orthopedic sports medicine surgeon, Frank R. Noyes, M.D., Sportsmetrics™ is the first training program scientifically proven to decrease knee injuries in female athletes. It is a six-week jump training program that meets three times per week on alternating days and is comprised of a dynamic warm-up, jump/plyometric drills, strength training, and flexibility exercises. This 6 week program was designed to help athletes refine neuromuscular control of the lower limbs.

    Following a thorough review of literature, the exercises in the Sportsmetrics™ program were selected to enhance control of the knee joint. The exercises address the entire body, as upper body control and core strength are essential to control the lower extremities from the hip to the ankle. Each specific exercise is important, but it is the combination and progression of these exercises which provide the necessary framework to enhance the athlete’s ability to dynamically stabilize the knee joint during sports.

    Jumping drills are used to teach the athlete to preposition the entire body safely when accelerating (jumping) or decelerating (landing). The selection and progression of these exercises are designed for neuromuscular retraining and proceed from simple jumping drills (to instill correct form) to multi-directional, single-foot hops and plyometrics with an emphasis on quick turnover (to add sport-like movements).

    The Sportsmetrics™ program was specifically designed to provide neuromuscular retraining, along with coordination, balance, and strength training to the lower extremities in order to prepare the athlete to either avoid or react immediately to an injury situation. Sportsmetrics™ training addresses the following major deficiencies that have been identified in female athletes:

    • Reaction Force Dominance (allowing ground reaction forces to control knee joint motion)
    • Quadriceps Dominance (increased quadriceps recruitment and decreased hamstring recruitment)
    • Dominant Leg Dominance (side-to-side differences in strength, flexibility, and coordination)

    The research conducted by Cincinnati SportsMedicine Research and Education Foundation has proven that females who participate in this jumping program are less like to suffer a serious knee injury.

    Sportsmetrics™ has been proven to:

    • Reduce the risk of serious knee injury
    • Increase vertical jump height, up to 4 inches
    • Improve hamstrings to quadriceps strength and symmetry in right-to-left leg power
    • Improve landing mechanics and reduce side-to-side movements at the knee

    Sportsmetrics™ is NOT just another plyometric training program.  The program is designed and structured to progress the athlete from technique development to performance enhancement.

    Sportsmetrics™ training is now available through Physical Solutions!

    If you are a female athlete or have a daughter who plays sports, this program can improve performance, increase jumping height and reduce injuries. Don’t miss out on your season! For information, call (516) 746-6350 or (516) 576-5751.
