• What is Osgood- Schlatter Disease?

    What is Osgood- Schlatter Disease?

    Osgood-Schlatter disease (OS) is considered an overuse injury which causes pain in the front of the knee and often presents with a visible growth just below the kneecap. Rapid skeletal growth can predispose individuals to this condition, making adolescents (typically between ages 11 and 15) the most commonly affected population. Increased activity levels such as repetitive running and jumping can also contribute to onset of symptoms. Even though this disease can be mild at first, if not managed properly, there can be pain and possibly limited function.
    Symptoms of this condition include:
         – Pain below knee and at top of shin
         – Pain with exercise
         – Swelling at the top of shin
         – A bony growth at the top of shin
         – Loss of strength of the quadriceps muscle
         – Discomfort with daily activities like kneeling, squatting or walking upstairs
    The good news is that OS can be treated with proper physical therapy! Your therapist will create an individualized treatment plan for you or your child. Range of motion and strength deficits will be targeted and manual techniques will be used if needed. In addition, functional movements will be stressed, to enable you to get back to your daily activities and sports.  Proper education will also be a component of physical therapy to help the patient understand what brings on the pain and how to prevent further damage.
    If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms contact Physical Solutions for an appointment today!
    Source: Mayo Clinic